Saturday, October 3, 2009

YanYan's latest activities

Here are some pictures of Yanyan's latest activities in school, just few because sometimes they are not allowed to take pictures in other hospital where they assigned.Who among them is the tallest on pictures below with oval face and always wearing flat shoes, lol.

This is in school with her classmates friends.

Here was shown their service van during thier duty in Bulacan. They have four days duty in rural areas and these van was all the time and where ever they go serving them . It was included in some payments plus foods and lodging , it does'nt matter for me how much it costs , the most important thing is her safety.
This picture was taken during her capping day at Sto. Domingo Church in Quezon Ave. Q.C.,Phils.I'm glad that hubby was in good condition and has attended that day.

Friday, September 25, 2009

mangyan's farm on facebook

Due to some stress and homesickness, I made this on facebook  farm town in just less than a week while I'm doing all my daily task here on my work . I registered my account there long ago but I'm not hanging on there all the time . I thought of these last week that I'm wondering as if  my mind was stuck  that I can not write any stories here on all my blogs. I write a lot of my daily life but just ended to draft on my dashboard. I don't understand what it was all about I'm writing for all my blog stories.So ..I started looking for a mind games but still did not work out until I tried to open .

It was fun and I relieved as of now . There are a lots of geeks and crazy encounters true messages to some members. Like, I recieved a message from long time friend on friendster that I need to pass it on to some members. Surprisingly there are replies for appreciation but there was one thorn as it said " go away, trouble maker". Oh! my goodness! I thought I could help that might be true so that each members must be aware of it.

Another thing was in the market place  looking for work. That was the funniest I did lately. First was there is no shouts I've ever  read in any of my languages but lately there is few , they are hiding I'm sure. And today  there was a lots answering me , hahaha , there was one said that my name was so obvious to be a Filipino. So what I answered , I"ll be shouting to the whole world that I am and originally from the home of one ethnic groups in Mindoro island in The Republic of the Philippines.I'm proud of my color and my flat nose face, hehehe. Thanks be to GOD I'm popular of it.

So just click the image to redirect to the "mangyan's farm  on facebook ".To some readers of this blog that did know yet (to those have an account in facebook ) of the message I'm talking,  please leave comments so that I can answer you there. Who knows..... or maybe that might be true that they will delete all non active members.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fried "F-E-T" for lunch

Fried F-E-T : Fish-Eggplant-Tomatoes is what I've cooked today for my lunch with fresh salad veggies from the village kitchen.These are the favorite lunch of my three young teenagers. During vacation days they are the one who cooked all of those foods, that's why we have three kitchens around our house, lol.Mostly used was the dirty kitchen outside because hubby's food are always prepared special . Should be free from oily foods, so "inihaw"(anyhow) is need to prepare and always present on the dinning table.

Tips for frying fish: FRY FISH TOGETHER WITH GARLIC to avoid undesirable smells around the house.You can eat the fried garlic too.After frying fish the frying pan should be washed immediately but TAKE NOTE first put liquid soap while hot before adding water so that the smelly is from the liquid soap and not from the burnt smelly fish.
beets salad was cooked and chopped to small cubes added with sweet and sour (vinegar & liquid sugar)plus pinch of iodize salt. Shredded cabbage fresh salad should be deep washed from boiling water, dry and separate to another salad bowl then add some medicinal herbs or mints leaves , mixed it with a spoonful of olive oil and vinegar or squeeze with fresh lemon extract.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


ORIENTAL MINDORO,PHILIPPINES is also called as "Paradise Island". It is divided into two districts that consists of eight(8) towns in the first district and seven (7) towns in second district including my hometown where I was grown up and living. Within this 15 towns and their respective barangays your in paradise visiting our island. Here are the beauties of nature you can achieve in coming to this island paradise:

1. The PUERTO GALERA has white sands and beaches for scuba diving and snorkeling spots. This was listed to the "club of most beautiful bays of the world" . Added to this tourist spot was the Sabang Beach which is the most widely known of having a wide areas covered with white sands in the whole island of Oriental Mindoro.We have also in Mansalay which called "buktot" but it was just had a partial of white sands.
2. The MT. HALCON is called as "high above the clouds" (lagpas-ulap) of most Philippine mountaineers and other mountain visitors.Generally speaking of its one of a kind as the hardest and most difficult peak ever the mountaineers climb. It is on the fourth rank of highest mountains in the Philippine record. Measured of about 2,586 meters above sea levels.

3. The NAUJAN LAKE is the 5th Philippine largest lake, it has an estimated area of 8,125 hectares with the natural fresh water stored from rains and natural reservoirs.Maximum depth was 45 meters, maximum length is fourteen(14) kilometers and it has maximum width of seven(7) kilometers. Locating the map of its boundaries of this lake was so different from other lakes locations of the world. Four towns should ends its partitions but since the lake was on each ends they divided the lakes water areas to owned by four towns . On the north was owned by the town of Naujan's and its property, Victoria owned the western parts, Southern portions was for Socorro and the eastern portion was the property of Pola.
4. The MANGYANS are the indigenous citizen living in most mountains of Oriental Mindoro. In all towns you've seen on the map has this native people from different tribes and has different languages too.They have their own way of writings and each alphabets. They used to write on the leaves of the trees and even in the barks.They classifies as a.) Alangan b.)Bangon c.) Tau-Buid d.) Buhid - this is what we had in our hometown but I meet most kinds of this native people e.) Hanunoo f.)Iraya g.) Ratagnon and h.) Tadyawan .

5. In ROXAS you can find the "San Rafael Cave" in nearby boundaries between town of Bongabon. It is 20 minutes ride from town proper to the starting point where to walk up hills in reaching the caves entrance.You are welcome by the battalion of cave bats singing and flying inside the cave.We have also here the seaport (Dangay Port) to which ferry boats come and go for Visayan region trips day and night which is just less than a kilometer ride from the town proper. If you want visit BORACAY by land you can pass through the main highways of Oriental Mindoro (an exciting trips by land ever) then take a ferry boat rides from "Danggay Port" to Katiklan the main land of Boracay .
6. BULALACAO is the last town of Oriental Mindoro that has so many tiny and untouched islets . I heard there are thirteen (13) islets as some residents and fisherman said it. The most popular of these islets is "BUYAYAO" or San Roque as per municipality registration. I don't have camera yet that time I went in one islet, in other words I can not afford to have one even . Hope my next vacation I can go back there just take pictures that I have digi cam now , lol. Buyayao is humored as the richest islet I've heard when I was young girl because the golden boat during the world war 2 was sunk in that islet. Maybe it was true because it was developed during Marcos es and guarded with those stricken armed men that even fisherman has boundaries where to pass the sea water.It was said the boat was loaded of pure bar golds and other antiques of Spanish Authorities during the war. More on the next episode..........

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

TOP 10 EC DROPPERS(Aug. '09)

I would like to thanks all ec droppers for the month of August 2009 and here are the lists of top 10 ec droppers.Apologies is always the word of late posting but I want to let you know that due to some weights and work loads here in my work I almost can't blog for such previous week.It was a heavy and heavy days for my old woman to move from her home to another house because the family did renovations of shower and comfort room which is the right thing for the good of their elderly and at same time for the worker.

Happy weekend every one.

Mom's Place 28
Go For Success Blogging Community 27
Bits and Pieces 27
Vegetable Garden 26
Animal Kingdom 24
RJV World 23
Positive men 23
Metallman's Reverie 21
Parent Times 21
Cacai's Steps and Journey 21

Photo Effects